Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Glassman Lending is committed to ensuring your privacy. We strive to protect the confidentiality of all information that you provide. This policy describes how Glassman Lending treats your information on our website and when you apply for a financial product with Glassman Lending.

Information We Collect

If you apply for a loan we may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

• Information we receive from you on applications and other forms;

• Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others; and

• Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.

How We Use Your Information

We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers to anyone, except as permitted by law.

In order to make improvements to our website, when you visit our website, we may collect non-personal information about the browser, IP address or operating system you are using. We may look at what site you came from, or what site you visit when you leave our website. We do not sell or disclose this individual user information, profile information or generic system information to third parties.

When you apply for a loan with Glassman Lending, we restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

When you apply for a mortgage loan with Glassman Lending through this website, you can always review and request changes to personal information collected through this website by contacting the loan originator or processor assigned to your loan application.

Disclosure & Terms of Use


These “Terms of Use” govern your access and use of all websites owned by Glassman Lending, its affiliates, and subsidiaries (as used here ” Glassman Lending ” refers to Glassman Lending, its affiliates, and subsidiaries, jointly and severally).

Acceptance of Terms

By referencing, using or accessing websites owned by Glassman Lending you agree to these “Terms of Use”, including agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless Glassman Lending from all claims of any nature. These “Terms of Use” may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of Glassman Lending Products and Services

Loan products and services are offered through Glassman Lending. Not all products and services described are available in all states of the USA, or elsewhere in the world.

Fair Lending Policy

Glassman Lending does not discriminate against any applicant or discourage anyone on a prohibited basis from submitting an application. To assure that our employees have a clear and unequivocal statement of our commitment to a nondiscriminatory method of doing business, we have adopted the following fair lending policy. Employees must be thoroughly familiar with this policy and follow it.

• We do not discriminate against a loan applicant or borrower on the basis of race, color, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, handicap, age, the fact that all or part of an applicant’s income comes from any public assistance program or because the applicant has exercised any right under any relevant state or federal law.

• We do not selectively encourage applicants and we take no action that would, on a prohibited basis, discourage a reasonable person from applying for a mortgage loan.

• We do not, on a prohibited basis, refuse to make a loan, vary the terms offered including the amount, interest rate, period or type of loan, or use different standards to evaluate collateral or decide whether to extend credit.

• We avoid practices or policies that have a discriminatory effect. This rule applies to all phases of our mortgage lending business. It applies even though we do not intend the policy or practice to be discriminatory and even if the policy or practice appears to be neutral.

• We have adopted nondiscriminatory loan underwriting standards that avoid subjective, unwritten rules that can have a discriminatory effect. We make these underwriting standards public upon request at each of our offices.

• We make sure that our scoring system is empirically derived and statistically sound and uses no prohibited basis other than age as a predictive factor.

• We train our loan personnel in the principles of fair lending.

• We periodically review our loan portfolio and applications to make sure that we are serving the community adequately and on a nondiscriminatory basis in light of the community’s demographic characteristics and credit demands.

• We conspicuously display the poster in a public area of each of our facilities stating that we are ascribing to the Equal Housing Act. Additionally, on all forms of advertisements, regardless of media, we include the Equal Housing Opportunity logo and/or the Equal Housing Opportunity slogan.